Thursday, September 22, 2011


tun Sie wollen zu lernen Deutschland?
Do you want to learn about Germany?

If you do, you came to the right place. Here, I will tell you all sorts of interesting things about this fascinating country. Ready?

lassen Sie uns über Deutschland lernen
Let's learn about Germany!


Germany, like many parts of the world, has a variety of art.

Styles of Dress

A dirndl is a traditional dress, and was originally a simplified version of the folk costume. Lederhosen are basically leather pants. Gamsbart is actually a tuft of hair put on trachten hats. The picture below is a dirndl.

Religious Beliefs

Germany has a variety of religions. Here are the average percentages for these religions-

  • Protestants-32.3%
  • Catholics-31%
Buddhism and Judaism-0.25%
No registered religion-29.6%


 Music is one of the things Germany is known for! Did you know that all of these composers were born there-Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, Richard Wagner and many more! Here's an example-

Deutsche Volks- und Kinderlieder acapella from Matthias Ernst Holzmann on Vimeo.


Germans are famous for dancing. They do many styles, including ballet! Here is a sample-

Traditional German Dance and Music. Leavenworth, WA 2008 from wendys videos1 on Vimeo.


They are known for their values of timeliness, freedom, family, responsibility and a strong work ethic.

Ways of Greeting People

Germans greet each other in similar and different ways than us. They use the handshake! They just say Guten Tag instead of good morning or afternoon.

Guten Morgen
Good morning
Guten Tag
Good day
Guten Abend
Good evening
Gute Nacht
Good night

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Facial Expressions and Hand Gestures

Waving actually usually means 'no'. Instead of applauding, Germans rap their knuckles on tabletops. Interesting, huh?

Holiday Customs

Did you know that one of the biggest holidays is Christmas? It is on December 21st, or St. Thomas Day. Germany!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Wiener Schnitzel
Ah, Germany. A land of interesting cuisine. They invented the pretzel! Thank you Germany! Though, they called it either Bretzen, Bretze, or Bretzl.